Logo Storteboom

Care for
the environment

We care. From energy consumption to processing waste materials and from noise pollution to soil and water protection.

Environment with a capital E

As an international organisation, we have a responsibility to treat our earth well. Our ISO 14001 certification helps in that respect. Energy consumption, processing waste materials, preventing noise and odour pollution and soil and water protection: we do everything in our power to minimise our impact on the environment throughout the chain. 

Separating waste at source

As an organisation, we produce a lot of waste of non-animal origin including packaging material, plastic, paper and cardboard. We separate all our waste. We process all animal waste flows into other products. 

A good neighbour

We want to be a good neighbour. To this end we work in a variety of ways to reduce and limit the nuisance caused by noise and odours in the immediate vicinity of the locations. We use insulation measures and air filters, for example. We make every effort to limit disruption to local residents. 

Reducing water consumption

A natural resource that we often use is water. We need water for many of our production processes. At the same time, we believe it is important to use this natural resource responsibly. This is why we monitor our water consumption and reduce our consumption where possible. We also pay close attention to water purification. In our slaughterhouses, the impurities are removed on site before discharge. That way, no unwanted substances are released into the environment. 

More information on how we do Corporate Social Responsibility is available here

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