Logo Storteboom

Product development that
prioritises animal welfare

The driving force behind Storteboom's sustainable transition

New Product Development

Our customers know what to expect from Storteboom. As pioneers in chain sustainability, we supply top-quality chicken. Our delivery reliability is high and we are open to any form of joint product development. At Storteboom, it’s all about making improvements together. Only then can we achieve ground-breaking innovations.

Know your customer

Storteboom’s product developers not only love developing unique products. They are genuinely passionate about safeguarding our customers’ interests and our customers’ customers’ interests.

We constantly conduct market research, follow developments within the food service market, identify data-driven interests within retail and enjoy working in the test kitchen together with our client’s team. At Storteboom, we are aware of the most recent trends and constantly incorporate them into our global flavours. It’s always wonderful to see customers’ reactions to our new ideas!

Sustainable chain

We serve as an important link in the chicken industry and that comes with responsibility. In close collaboration with all parties and with respect for the chicken, people and the climate, each day we explore how we can improve our products.

At Storteboom, the four Ps are key to everything we do: people, planet, profit and product. When it comes to new and existing products, we ask ourselves each day how we can transport animals in the most animal-friendly way and improve the sustainability of our production process.

Want to find out more about how we safeguard animal welfare and the environment?

For more information about how we can help you with product development, Please contact one of our specialists from the New Product Development (NPD) team.

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