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Ensuring the food safety
of our chicken products

Safety first! Curious about how we ensure that our chicken products are healthy and good quality?

Reliable quality and maximum food safety

The food safety of our chicken products is our number one priority. We do everything in our power to guarantee product safety. For this reason, thoroughly checking and systematically recording all procedures is a standard part of our working culture. That way, everything is watertight. We do the microbiological testing ourselves in our own ISO 17025-accredited laboratory. We also go the extra mile in this respect, since we want to be a leader in terms of sustainability and food safety.

Our laboratory is an independent service provider

Did you know that our laboratory has the status of an independent service provider? All of our committed and highly trained employees take responsibility for their own contribution to the production process on a daily basis. We value hygiene, reliable quality and the highest level of food safety.

We want to share all the knowledge we gain with the whole world. That might be slightly too ambitious, but what we can do is contribute our expertise to national and international standards committees in the field of microbiological research such as NEN, the Royal Netherlands Standardization Institute. We do what we can – all for the greater good! For more information, visit NEN’s website.

We have been RVA L413 certified since 2003. The Dutch Accreditation Council (RVA) independently monitors and ensures the quality of our products and services. We put our money where our mouth is! Find out more about the RVA on their website or take a look at our scope. 

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